Ok, we have 12 new arrivials. baby chickens. They are now 1 month old and starting to get the
long feathers. They look like a teenager going through the not so attractive stage. We have some
Brown egg layers. Some GREEN egg layers. 6 Banties. They get all crazy feathers all over the place. There legs and feet are also covered in feathers. They lay eggs smaller than a normal sized egg. I will get some current pictures soon. Wendy hand feeds them worms. They are so funny when they get a worm. They run all around in circles as if to say "its mine, Its mine, catch me if you can."
whoah, didn't expect that.
Wow! Does this ever remind me of living on a farm. I was the flock collector for all the newborn chicks (rounding them up)as the hens ran free and hid their brood until of course the mommy started bragging loudly of their arrival giving me my first clue to finding them before preditors found them.
It's so good to see your giving the kids a small part of where our food comes from besides the grocery store.
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