Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pink for Patty Team at Work

It's been a while since we have updated you on our team activities. Here is our most recent photo. We're keeping up with training and getting stronger.

As of this writing, Marge is $50 from her goal! YEA!!!! Cheri, Pat and I still have a ways to go. We've written our letters to let family and friends know what we are doing. Now, we start stage two - letting the general public have an opportunity to donate to the Breast Cancer 3-DAY. On June 13,14,15, and 22, at least one of us will be in front of the Lacey Wal-Mart distributing breast cancer awareness information, accepting donations in our big pink donation jar and selling "pink ribbon" items. So far we have car magnets, pink rubber duckies, bookmarks and "pink ribbon" charms. Aren't our duckies cute?? You too can own one for $1.50. Buy 2 - they're cheap. Perhaps you would like to sell some for us. Let us know and we'll get some to you as soon as possible.
Also, Leanne Stewart, a friend of Diane Dietzman, will be running a fundraiser on her website - http://www.infinitetreasures.biz/ . She will donate profits from the sale of her gift cards ($10, $25, and $50) from now to just before the walk. People can purchase and redeem the cards on the website for all sorts of things. You may want to check it out. If you like what you see, pass this information along.

Thanks again for all of your support and encouragement!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yard Sale

I decided to go to the huge yard sale this year @ kitsap fair grounds. i called dad, ( pat) pretty sure he was going to see if he wanted to meet there. he said to meet about 7:15 so i'm thinking it starts at 7:30. nope! i get my bootie out of bed @6:00 (which is early for me) and try to wake up my little guy. turns out it started at 8:00am! dad, patty, sherri, and dottie we're already first in line. now, i love yard sales but it was freezing!we were all huddled together to keep warm. (any toddler cocoa anyone?) it must run in the drew blood to love yard sales. it was nice to see some of my family. by the way, my aunts are so pretty, they both still look 30. (hope that runs in my geans too). anyways it was ablast, glad i got up. i found lots of kids stuff. what did the rest of you find? any great deals? Who's going next year?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tank Parts.

I've not posted anything about my RC Tank in a while, mostly because there's been nothing new to mention. This weekend however I assembled one of the eight suspension sets. I need to find the proper shocks for it now but that happens when they are all done and I know the final weight of the tank. One down, seven left.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Here is little Maddy! She is almost 11 months old. I can't take it! She is so funny, her personality cracks me up.
If you say "wave" she waves. If you say "bonk" she comes up and bonks her head to yours. If you say, "Maddy", she does that face. Haha. She is a huge ham. Can't wait to have her birthday party.

I'm not working right now. Tyler is working full time at Saars Marketplace. We are moving out this month! into a cute, 2 story house on Belmieir. I'm not sure how to spell that. Anyway, I'm nervous and excited. I think that is it, except that my birthday is also coming up! April 20th!

Thank you & g'night.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Devonne is FAMOUS

Devonne was interviewed at a silverdale park along with 12 other parents. However she charmed her way into being shown on T.V. It was quite exciting to see her on the big screen. :)
Y Lydia