Well, let's see, by the way mark, good idea. i'm not as computer savvy as the rest of you, so bear with me.
I am married, have been for 2 years now. have a beautiful little boy named billie. My pride and joy, and frustration and the reason i need caffine.
I am a working hairdresser. I travel to peoples homes. I am currently building a salon in our home. We just moved a couple of months ago closer to town.
My husband owns a garage door company. I know more about garage doors than i ever thought i would. I met him cutting his hair at the salon i worked at. We knew eachother for about a year and a half before we went on a date. I am very happy.
Getting ready to go on a buisness trip with him to jamacia the end of this month. That's about it for me.
Love, Devonne

This is my little ooga booga
Billie Michael Ramer
Holy COW!!! I have the cutest nephew EVER!!!
That is all.
Now there's a cute kid. And I'm not just saying that because he's my grandson.
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