Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

It's a rainy day here in St. Louis, which is actually quite welcome. I guess that makes us true
Bremertonians. We just got back from Lowe's with a carful of necessary and important stuff to finish off the pantry. And right now we are sitting at the kitchen table finishing lunch and waiting for our motivation to arrive. We are wondering what is everyone else doing this weekend?


Patty said...

I will be working at Costco representing Hunter-Douglas Blinds and Pat is mowing the lawn and picking up hedge clippings the neighbors bestowed upon us. Later we will be watering Ric ahd Cheri's little garden while they celebrate this holiday in Leavenworth, WA. My thoughts are with our brave soldiers who have fought and are fighting for freedom.

Erick said...

We spent this weekend with a big group of German employees from Microsoft on the Columbia River camping in Maryhill State Park. If you had ever wondered where the phrase "Where in the Sam Hill..." came from... well, we found it. Was a fun time.

Ric and Cheri said...

As Patty mentioned Ric and I went to Leavenworth for the weekend. I kind of double booked us that weekend and we wanted to attend our grandson’s baptism in Seattle on Sunday too so we went to Leavenworth Saturday early, spent the day together, afternoon and evening with friends Norm and Lisa. Sunday at 6:00 am we drove the 2 hours back to Seattle for the baptism. Then by 11:00 am back on the road to, yes believe it or not, Leavenworth to spend that day and the next with our friends. Then it was back on the road again on Monday evening for home. If I had realized I had double booked early I probably would have cancelled our Leavenworth trip, I am glad I didn't, we really enjoyed both parts to our trip and traffic was great all but the last trip home.