Madison in her new skirt.

Getting some cousin kisses.

Getting some Auntie kisses.

Sleepy baby.
Yes. Alesta is writing another one. But I'll let you know how she is doing now, rather than shower you all with pictures of my beautiful daughter! She is doing very well! She had a checkup today. She has gained almost a pound. She had her blood drawn too. :(. Ohhh that was the saddest noise that she has ever made. Poor Maddy. But she is still a very healthy baby girl. YAY! She is a genius too. And I am not just saying that because she is mine. I'm saying that because yesterday we visited her Auntie Devonne, and she rolled over! (The baby. Not Devonne.) Not just one, but FOUR times! She is not even three weeks old and she can roll over. She is a G-E-N-I-U-S! (I hope I am spelling that right.) Anyway, NOW here are some pics! :D.
post away, Alesta! and keep those great pictures coming :-)
Why shouldn't it be your personal blog, you just had a beautiful baby girl and she is changing daily, go for it.
Just because I have been lazy about posting, doesn't mean I don't want to see the latest pics of our most recent member. Keep them coming.
Wow, Gabriel is going on six months old and has only rolled over three times and not on a regular basis yet either. That's amazing!
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