Wow, is it almost August. So much fun we have had. been camping a lot. I had more surgery on my foot 2 weeks before school got out. I have to say it went WAY better than I though it could have ever thought. Walking very well with some stiffness, and soreness. Trying to still control the swelling. Today was my first day back to work in 2 months. Still at limited work, and only 20 hrs a week. Just a start to get me going. This weekend since it was going to be hot we decided to take a long drive and go to Whidby Island. On our tour we went to Fort Casey. The kids loved it. They ran and climed till they couldn't walk anymore. We also went through deception pass. Walked the bridge and then we went to the State Park and walked the beach. This picture is at the top of the bridge. Kids getting so big. Wendy is 8 and starting 3rd grade. Matthew will be 6 in August and starting 1s grade. They are so excited. Kinda torn loving Summer break but wanting to see who there new teachers will be. Garden is huge thanks to Mom. Got veggies, anyone want some. A baby fawn and her mom decided to visit us in our front driveway. Wow what a blessing it is to live in the country. Kids love to be out in the boat. So this is the Dietzman summer so far. Oh yea, and we also got a new dog. She has been the best dog ever. Spent many hours in bed with me helping me heal. She is a smooth fox terrier. With a really long nose.
1 comment:
Thanks for bringing me up to date. You pictures are great!
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