Here is little Maddy! She is almost 11 months old. I can't take it! She is so funny, her personality cracks me up.
If you say "wave" she waves. If you say "bonk" she comes up and bonks her head to yours. If you say, "Maddy", she does that face. Haha. She is a huge ham. Can't wait to have her birthday party.
I'm not working right now. Tyler is working full time at Saars Marketplace. We are moving out this month! into a cute, 2 story house on Belmieir. I'm not sure how to spell that. Anyway, I'm nervous and excited. I think that is it, except that my birthday is also coming up! April 20th!
Thank you & g'night.
1 comment:
What a cutie-pie! A cross between and actress and a chipmunk and she continues to keep us all spell-bound.
Let us know what you might need for household items. We are excited for you Alesta.
Dad and Patty
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