Monday, February 11, 2008

Entering Phase II

Thanks to family who have kept Pat and me lifted up in prayer and support during Phase II of knocking down the enemy’s camp.

I suppose it would sound extremely outrageous to think I’m not worried, but I’m not. Pat, my dear loving husband wavered somewhat in the very beginning, but now, after both agreeing this was not our struggle, we stand in agreement, the battle has been won. Praise God!

Phase II has been a spiritual walk. I cannot say I wasn’t prepared as with anyone who faces down cancer, we attest to holding strong to our faith and the determination it cannot dictate our lives. Looking forward to the treatment was like waiting to have teeth pulled, but a necessary step to take and with the support of family and friends this is a “breeze” compared to Phase I eight years ago.

We believe lives can be saved due to the persistence of treatment regardless of what the mammogram and ultra-sound dictate. How many women have died unnecessarily thinking they where “clean” until the fight became deadly battlefield. There is a clear answer for early detection with women who have family history and dense breasts called MRI. If it means lobbying, we shall do it. If it was necessary for this process to began in me, then I feel this struggle as a challenge and not a death certificate for God has conquered both.

I’m over-whelmed and overjoyed to have such family support. Today, upon reading Dottie’s addition to our blog, I can honestly say without any hesitation, I love you all.

Continue to keep this blog-site an uplifting testimony of strength in a legendary family as the Drew clan.


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