Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Discovery in Hot Springs

Well, it's been awhile since I posted anything on this Blog so here goes. As you may know, I have been on a somewhat extended vacation, since... oh about a year and a half ago actually. Anyway, for the last 2 months, I've been staying with the Drews of Columbus, Ohio, where I enjoyed my time with one Frederick E Drew and his sister Matilda too. Now, as my stay is at an end, I'm heading south to Mexico for awhile.

On my way down, however, I took a slight detour to visit Hot Springs, Arkansas, where after some searching around I was quite excited to find evidence of the original Frederick E Drew. (I really was excited!) This was, of course Frederick Elias Drew, Dad's grandfather, but I shall not bore you with the details...anymore than I already have, that is. I hope to post more pictures in the near future, maybe some you'll even find exciting.


Patty said...

More details please. How exciting! I bet you felt really strange standing next to his grave and seeing his name.

Dottie and Larry said...

Side trips are GOOD - more side trips!