Happy early Thanksgiving all! Here are a few pictures of 18 month old Maddy. Some of these were at the McDonalds play area. We met my friend Josh and his girlfriend there the other day. Maddy is doing well, you can tell she is on her way to two years old! She's got her mamas attitude for sure. She recently had a cold, so now she can say "Tylenol?" :) She is talking all the time. She says, "Yada." For Lydia and my friend Leda. "Citen" for my friend Nathan, "Yee-shaw!" for Alysia, "BEE!" for her cousin Billie, and any other name you ask her to say.
I'm at Albertsons, I usually work from about noon to nine. I rarely get to put Maddy to bed, which is a big bummer, but soon I will be getting trained at the customer service desk, and I also have been trained in the chippery. So, hope fully I will be getting off sooner than later.
One last interjection, I have met a guy. He's 20. Works at Boeing. (Wooo!) & has a 2 year old. Nothing going on, we have just started hanging out. :)
There's a little update. I'm going to go chase Maddy.
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