Hellllo family!
A little information on me and beautiful Madison. Currently, we are living back with my Mom in Manchester. Maddy is communicatin alot more. She uses sign language and english, and I am thinking about teaching her spanish. I feel that later in her life all those languages will be very helpful in her career. & life! Anyway, she can sign: more, eat, drink, and all done. She can say: mama, dada, mamaw, cracker, dog, cat, bird, water, bug, please, more, and yeah. :)
I like to brag about her, obviously. She is almost 15 months, loves to dance, loves to test me, loves to hide. And now she likes water! She has a little baby floaty and once she eases into it she doesnt want to get out!
Me? I now work about 20 hours a week at Albertsons on Sedgwick in Port Orchard. I work at the Pizzaria. It's a good job. I can say way more words than Maddy can, but she's a baby so it's okay.
Here is a picture of me and my favorite girl enjoying the sun at my friends dock. :)