Well hello. I also have not been on here in quite some time. A few things have changed since last time I logged on. For lots of us. Maddy and I moved into a two bedroom apartment in Port Orchard. Aunt Cheri and Uncle Rick helped furnish the living room. :) I love that couch! We are doing well in our humble abode! I'm still at Albertsons, and I plan to keep truckin'! There may be a Manager position open soon that I will definately apply for, and if it is meant to happen it will.
Maddy will be three this May. I know, I know. She is so old. I don't know how I will handle it. She's got a 'rude tude' sometimes, but I just remind her who Mama is. She is also....(drumroll) potty trained!!!!! Hooray! Everyone is so excited for her. I am ecstatic!
Let's see some more updates on here. I'de love to see how everyone is doing.