Friday, April 17, 2009

Gunner's First Visit to the West Side

Gunner made his first trip across the mountains to see family this last Easter weekend. He is now 8 lbs 13 oz and is 21 inches long. He is starting to stay awake and look around a little bit more each day. He is in the habit of sleeping solidly from about 6pm to 11pm, which means that by 5am he really doesn't have a whole lot of interest in going back to sleep. So anyway...enjoy the pics and Gunner is looking forward to meeting those families members he hasn't yet at the family reunion in May.


Patty said...

We enjoyed this special time. Gunner is such a cute little man sharing his special kinda macho with all who love him.

devonne said...

you two made a cute baby! i just wanna eat him up. keep posting pics!

Dottie and Larry said...

Toooo Sweeet!

Lydia L Drew said...

Kelley and Jesse,
I'd be worried, devonne said she wants to eat your baby. Freak. :)

anyywayyss top picture of cookie monster and your gumdrop of a kid is adorable, frame it!
love you, miss you, :/. :)